Friday, April 23, 2010

Religion and Euthanasia

I believe it would be foolish to assume that there is one specific belief system that is above the rest. Our wold is made up of many different cultural aspects; mainly religion. I take a "to each's own" opinion on the topic of religion. Regardless of what religion one choses to follow, it basically boils down to this: religion is not only a way for us to know how to live, it also gives us somewhat of a guideline on how we die because most religions believe in an after-life. How then do the different religions feel about the intentional taking of life?

The Christian faith seems to be predominately against euthanasia because it is God's choice as to when we die and not ours. Christian's maintain faith that the sick are not suffering as we suspect, and that God is comforting them until He takes them to heaven. In Ecclesiastes 8:8 it says, "No man has the power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his death."

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